A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1397: Ben Carson Just Got Lucky

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Rod and Karen discuss LGBTQ news, fireman falls to his death, Foxy disses Remy, Kendrick’s new album, Too Short accused of rape, Emma Watson hypocritical feminism, that’s ya’ll man, white people news, woman kills husband over casserole, goon promotes mixtape on perp walk, man bites wife over chips and sword ratchetness.

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  1. reallydarkknight

    Since I’m older than most of your audience, I certainly didn’t grow up idolizing Ben Carson as a surgeon. I didn’t hear about him until a few years ago when he went into politics. I’ll say this and I don’t mean it lightly…Ben Carson is the most dangerous type of coon. He now has power and doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. He’s the type of coon that White People think is an authority on the lives of Black people. I really want to get off these ‘Sunken Place’ jokes, but this motherfucker is seriously a problem and he’s gonna get a lot of us fucked up. He’s a fucking embarrassment and needs to shut the fuck up when grown folks is talkin’.

  2. Anonymous

    Hey y’all. This episode was great as usual. The Emma Watson segment stayed on my mind, so i decided to “talk” about it with y’all. White women have had so much domain over black women’s bodies since the inception of slavery. Shoot, from the first time one of their fuck-ass husband’s came back from an African “expedition” (rape tour) and decided that white women needed to have black women silhouettes, see: bustles. I think that there is an unspoken acknowledgement and resentment of black women’s beauty in the violent lengths that white women go to deny this. i.e, infantilizing Beyonce worldview, combined w/ the backhanded compliment of “white girls evolving” = butt & hips.

    This, proverbial, “fly in the ointment” negates the foundation of white women’s identity as being the most desireable and the peak echelon of femininity. So when that status is threatened, they get very passively aggressively territorial. I’ve seen it, and experienced it. I’ve had former white female friends say me ‘aren’t you cold” as way to shame me because I was looking good. (Not to say that Black women aren’t capable of being “haters”.) There is often no recourse for Black women in these conflicts, because we are not protected. Hell! Usually we are vilified and seen as the aggressor when often times we are just trying to protect ourselves. Meanwhile, the white woman is protected and coddled, confirming that she is correct in her violence.

    Keep on being the insightful people that you both are.

    Peace, love and coconut grease.
    -Charlotte B.

  3. ari (@rivahcitygurl)

    Ben Carson has to be the most ignorant MF ever. To go from being a renowned black surgeon to the Chief Secretary of the Coon Squad is so disappointing. He’s a fucking embarrassment and I want him to leave us all alone. What an asshole! Y’all completely caught me off guard with the ‘Where the Coons At’ song lol. I guess if I stay ready I won’t have to get ready

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