A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1542: Weinstein And White People News

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Rod and Karen discuss professor targeted for promoting class about white supremacy, Taco Bell fight, TX football students kick off team for protest, racist GA police officers fired, That’s Ya’ll Man and White People News.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
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Twitter: @ShadowDogProd

Site: TriangleWineCo.Com


Karen’s Pair: https://www.trianglewineco.com/catalog/product/21822/queen-karens-sweet-pair.html


  1. Anonymous

    My aunt worked for the EEOC as an attorney during the Clarence Thomas confirmation. She said she believed Anita Hill because she too faced harassment and decided that she would not say anything until either he moved on, or she did.

    In my 20’s I was fearless and when faced with sexual harassment I tried to confront it the best way I could. I had a news director try to kiss me in an editing room. I said no and pushed him away. Then the harassment went from sexual to bullying. He was upset that I denied his advances and that made him angry. He pushed me once when I was walking down a hallway. He would make comments about how I looked and make me the butt of jokes to get laughs from others. But i had to stick it out. My mother basically gave me our family’s last $500 for me to move there for that job.

    In my 30s I was harassed by a man in upper management. He would rub up against me and one evening he with people just on the other side of a wall, he put his hand in my shirt and tried to kiss my breast. I was going to tell, but when I confided in another coworker, she said, “why would he do that to you, when he is married to XYZ?” Because his wife was beautiful and successful and I was just me, he could no way want me.

    Sorry this was so long.

  2. Anonymous

    UNLV is my Alma Matter if they fire this Professor they will have a fight on their hands. This School in General has gone thru so much because of the majority controlled Republican Legislation Fights With UNLV All the Time With Just About Everything. Mind you they are only TWO University in the Entire State of Nevada.

    I mean UNLV has been with fighting with the Republicans and Libertarians in the State Legislation : to keep their budget , to expand their facilities to become a World Class Institution ( let alone to maintain their DIV I Status), to add Schools Like LAW, Medical, Dental.. ETC, and to provide just the basic for their Students. The School Administration can not cave in on this crap or will lose a lot credibility, financing and support from it’s Alma Matter whom have supported them in all these fights.

    I am so hot right now on this entire issue as whole , I cannot believe this crap. More Importantly I just got a survey from this Institution on I how feel about my Alma Matter in my email box , and my response Will Be In ALL CAPS.

    My GOD the Republicans Wanted to Shutdown the Dental School, The Dental School, for Christ Sake. The Dental School that provided free clinics nearly year round for the disfranchises (you know the poor) within the community, which was a life savior for so many people and a god send especially for Children. Plus, because The Dental School is not on the Main Campus, but located on the West Side of City, (where many poor people live not exclusively but still) ,next to the default county hospital, on a Major Bus line ,which runs 24/7 and actually connected to everyone, people could actually use them damn clinics. Now This Same Dental School 11 years later after that fight, just made a major break thru with STEM Cells that may lead to a better way to harvest STEM Cells from people and more medical discoveries.

    Goddamn 53% YOU did this to all of US.

    • cinicyn

      Hey Anonymous! UNLV is my alma mater too. I totally feel you.

      • Anonymous

        I do not know why the site keeps placing me on Anonymous but it is HiroJa Shibe, and my understanding is nothing going to happen for now but, I just do not trust it. But Go Rebels.

  3. Fckn With Rod The Most Trife

    Shut Up Rod!!! Damn.

  4. Ashy (@Foonok)

    I can’t stop laughing at ya’ll reading and eating that cheese. Valid points being made while you are simultaneously cleaning your teeth. Gotta love you two and your amazing show. Keep up the great work.


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