A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

BDS 228: O.G. Bobby Portis

Rod and Justin discuss listener feedback, Pitino fired, Mirotic punched out, Sharapova wins, Kaepernick files grievance, Popovich roasts Trump again, Goodell on the anthem, Trump disses NFL owners again, BLM confronts Jerry Jones, Favre won’t unretire, Jacksonville owner, Aldridge re-signs, Al Michaels apologizes, De’Aaron Fox, Kobe supports Hayward, Swaggy and Javale, Mickelson 100k golf round, SEC fans lying, Zeke Elliott, Harden work ethic, Chris Foerster going to rehab, Pole dancing will become Olympic event, CJ McCollum was suspended, OJ selling Bills helmets, Richard Jefferson traded, Diddy wants to buy the NFL, Goodell’s wife had secret twitter, Chargers air quality, MJ hates super teams, Peterson wants to play 5 more years, Wiggins gets contract, Matthews won’t stand for anthem, JR Smith, Jessica Sanchez takes a knee, Venus Williams car accident, LaMelo getting tutors, NFL ratings and that douche anchor from last week.


  1. Dr_Doughstax

    Howdy Rod and J Mirotic,

    I hope all is well. I mean, it ain’t like one y’all had a streak of 10,363 consecutive snaps played broken in a 12-9 overtime contest between a pair of tire fires and are out for the rest of the season. Joe Thomas is going to be a Hall of Fame left tackle and he’s blocked for like 2 dozen bums. Not only that, but Thomas’s rookie season was the last time the Browns had a winning record (10-6). Between the CTE and his rookie season, no wonder Thomas thinks the team can turn things around. Can y’all think of any other sports talents that we’re truly great and stuck on utter garbage teams?

    Also, in light of the comments section being Injury Note, I wanna try something: I hope Tom Brady wins another Super Bowl and wins the MVP this year. I totally hope that Giselle doesn’t leave him and that Brady doesn’t get his leg broken this week.

    Shouts out to Patrick “I Can’t Go Back” Beverly for playing the darkest skint game he could muster against Lonzo Ball. I haven’t seen darkness conquer the lightskint like that since that Bejing took over Carlos Boozer’s scalp.

    Justin, is the Light Skint Coalition going to issue a statement about Patrick Beverly and any other crazy niggas gunning for Lonzo?

    How are the Bulls so goddamn terrible? Ty Lue and Coach James really used a 2K roster against the Bulls with Coach James running point. Only team more cheeks than the Bulls are the Sun’s.

    Speaking of Chicago and cheeks, D Wade is going to come off the bench so he can save his energy for where it matters, I see. Shouts to Cleveland for signing 3 guards with one working leg between them.

    Have a great day y’all, peace!

  2. cocoqt81

    Hey, Rod and J Envy. I can’t think of anything that happened this week. I just wanted to say to Banga that I wasn’t trying to shade him last week. His email was just unfortunately the one that led to an epic rant. We’ve all been there. That’s all. Have a good weekend guys. It has been a rough week for me, and I need some laughs. Smooches!

  3. Amani

    Hey Rod and J. Thomas

    Doughstax writes in about his favorite player Joe Thomas who’s never missed a play in 10 years, and that nigga immediately gets hurt the very next game and is done for the year. That Cleveland jinx is real! Already talking about he might retire and be done with the Browns. Can’t really blame him, who wants to throw more of their career away on a lost cause?

    Speaking of taking Ls, I thought it was bad when they said Mirotic was out indefinitely, now that nigga might go back to Europe? Have either of y’all ever got your ass beat so bad you thought about leaving the country???

    And hearing Pop roast Trump again this week, reminds me he’s officially taking over as Olympic coach in 2020. Can’t wait for him to be calling out 45s bullshit on behalf of our country. Rod understands now that he’s had a taste of the other side, getting that pumpkin spice in your life will make you bold! Out here skipping lunch, taking a stand. Live your best life and spit that real.

    P.S. I guess Gaby let us really know why DWade is so comfortable riding that bench. Go head then!

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