A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1549: Pumpkin Spice Up Your Life

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Rod and Karen discuss a couple random thoughts, LGBTQ news, Nicki Minaj may testify in brother’s trial, RZA in the hot seat again, designer mad at Ashanti, Lupita discusses Weinstein, Complexcon invited Dolezal, Solange, school puts black girl on a leash, cop finally convicted, Dr. Kitty, man fakes cancer for money, pastor confronted for cheating and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. EvieE

    Although I’m not a fan of the pumpkin spice, I do love extra mayo on my sandwiches, cheese, ugg boots and Barry Manilow. My inner Becky really comes out when Britney is on the radio. Here’s to your Rod, for living your best white woman life.

  2. Lance

    I had my first PSL a little bit after hearing your revelation. And it was SOOO GOOD, it damn near knocked me out my LuluLemons!

    It was so good, I had to tell a manager how good it was!

    I even left a 53% tip in the jar.

  3. SymSymma

    I have been disgusted reading so many of the details from the women that were harassed/assaulted by Harvey Weinstein, but reading the full op-ed that Lupita Nyong’o wrote had me in tears. Feeling cornered in a bedroom, in his home surrounded by his staff, and feeling so scared that she tried offering to give instead of receive a massage. I am glad that she now feels empowered enough to share her experience and has been able to thrive despite this monster. People need to go to jail with Weinstein…but they probably won’t.

  4. Destructokitteh

    I cried reading Lupita’s peice y’all. The fact that Harvey the Hutt rolled outta his filth to explicitly try to refute her story made the whole thing so much worse. Guy didn’t reply to any of the other women but really tried it when a prominent black woman shared her story. Hope he gets dragged into the afterlife and i hope him and the few others recently fired aren’t the only predatory gatekeepers we get rid of as a result of all thats happened.

  5. Michelle

    Sessions is helping with the prosecution of the Kedarie Johnson case because the suspects fit the demographics of the type of person he likes to portray as violent. When its all said and done, this will be another story that the white supremacists use for their “what about black on black crime?” response. I honestly don’t think it goes much deeper than that for someone like Sessions.

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