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1667: A Safe Space For White Men

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Rod and Karen discuss Meek Mill released, Safe Space for white men class, Lauryn Hill tour, car subscription services, Madison country sheriff’s racism, Ohio teens not sentenced for killing black man, Target agrees to settlement, white woman attacks black women, white people news and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Site: AdamAndEve.com



  1. EvieE

    I suppose a safe space for white men is well intentioned, it’s basically what Tim Wise has been doing for years.

  2. Michelle

    Rod & Karen, t I recently found out that singer Jeffery Osbourne (popular in the 80’s) is a vegan now and highly recommends drinking alkaline water. Thoughts?

  3. Tiffany

    Hey Karen and Rod! Listening to this episode and y’all’s take on this class for clear folks to educate themselves changed my initial thoughts on it and for that I’m grateful and it also made me think of an app that my very own cousin has developed for instances as such. The app is called AAMA (Anonymously Ask a Minority Anything), I’m a terrible relative because I haven’t even downloaded it, but hearing y’all discuss this space made me think about it. I definitely feel y’all when you say you wouldn’t want to be the person to talk with them about this, but it definitely needs to happen. If and only if you have a chance check it out (I apologize if this comes off as a plug, it’s not) and pass it along to all these ignorant son’s of bitches in their places of privilege because somebody has to teach them, and I, like that 911 operator says, ain’t got time for that! LOL…stay blessed and when y’all come to Houston PLEASE let it be known, I’ve got a great brunch spot to take y’all to! Tiffany

  4. Anonymous

    What a twist!!

    You know the part of the show about the hooligans that killed that 22 year old black man by throwing a sandbag off a bridge into traffic? First, what a way to die. I had to google this story. Second, the teens (that will NOT be going to jail but instead are going to a youth facility) are BLACK. I watched a clip of the courtroom footage and those arms are very brown. In another turn of events, there were several white teens in Michigan facing 2nd degree murder charges for killing a white father of 4 by throwing rocks off an interstate into traffic. Article: http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2018/03/probable_cause_trial_for_teens.html

    I don’t know how I feel about any of this either, Rod and Karen. I’m incredibly pissed that these men were just riding down the road, minding their business, and killed because of some stupid ass children. At the same time, I know that if these brown children go into the prison system, they will never get out. I’m giving this a swift HUNDRED. RAISE YOUR SONS PEOPLE.

    Any way, I paused the show to leave this comment because you were both pondering on the race of the kids. Okay – back to my favorite segment, F’in with Black People!

    Love y’all,

    Cheeky Hippie

  5. t0DDMF

    What’s happening kinfolk? I didn’t want shit, i just wanted y’all to know there’s a Cheddars in University right off 85 and WT Harris. Wouldn’t recommend it, but it’s there off in the cut in case you wanted to write a distinguished yelp review of it

  6. brooklynshoebabe

    Oh, I loved your riff on the white cop being racist because black people were calling him a cracker or some such thing. It reminded me when I was a teen in the late 80s watching a very special episode about racism on 21 Jumpstreet. In it, one of the black kids yelled “grey boy” as a racial slur towards the white undercover cop. My grandmother, who was in her late 50s at the time, looked up from her newspaper, laughed and said “Oh, I ain’t that one in a long time. Grey boy, yeah, that was a good one.” Seriously, what racial slurs are black people saying to white people to upset them??


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