Well it’s been a while but it’s long overdue. Time to update the Premium RSS Feed password to keep everyone honest. You can find the new password by scrolling to the bottom of the Premium Page. It will be in blue writing. Make sure you’re logged into your premium account first or you won’t be able to see the new password.

If you have any issues with your premium account just email us: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

We’ve also been hella busy doing guest spots on other podcasts and what not. You can find all our guest appearances wherever you get your podcasts. We were also on Vice news and you can find that video below too! Thanks for supporting us.

We were on the For All Nerds Show Podcast episode “Tipping Ain’t Easy.”

We were on Movie Trailer Reviews “Insanity Check” podcast episode “What’s The Endgame?

Rod and Karen were on the DJ Blaze Radio Show Podcast

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Rod and Karen were on CoreTempArts “Music Ate My Brain” podcast discussing Mariah Carey’s hits.

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Rod was on the FiyaStarter.com Podcast

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Rod was on the Mundane Festival Podcast with Chris Lamberth.

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Rod was a guest host on “Making Podcast Great Again” episode “Hey Omar, I Am The Captain Now.”

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And lastly, we were on Vice News discussing black people and Game of Thrones.