A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

TNO 150: Massa Karen And Her Slaves

Rod, Karen, Justin and Aaron discuss listener feedback, entertainment, lots of Coronavirus delay news, AMC may close, Onward, Bloodshot and others come to streaming early, Assassin’s Creed Unity becomes top selling game, new MCU potential movie dates, Community to stream on Hulu and Netflix, XBox Series X launching in November, Billy Nye says Disney owes him 9 million, steaming services slowing down in Europe to keep net from crashing, Evangeline Lilly won’t self isolate, Gamestop says it’s essential then closes, Rosario Dawson cast as Ahsoka Tano, Bleach anime returning, PS5 will be backwards compatible, Goldeneye 007 speed run record broken, Superman voted America’s fave, Soundcloud and Twitch paying streamers faster, Animal Crossing review bombed, Box office records zero revenue for first time ever, CBS All Access free for a month, Hellboy reboot failure, Patty Jenkins on why she left Thor 2, Nascar and F1 drivers hold eSports comps instead of races, Baby Yoda toys spike, Hobbs and Shaw 2, Castlevania season 4, Zoom hacking, new Disney+ avatars, Clark Gregg is cool, student remaking Minecraft, San Diego Comic-Con still on, Lethal Weapon 5, Last of Us part 2 delayed, Final Fantasy 7 available for preload, PS5 price could be 400 and Gearbox at it again.


  1. Dr_Doughstax

    What it do Nerd Off crew?

    I hope all is well.

    Agents of Shield probably hits a little bit different for me cuz I binged the first 2 seasons in like a week and half before Season 3 started (partially cuz Kriss and DPalm’s review kept being in my feed and I wanted to know what them niggas was talking about), but the other day I finally caught up and watched the second half of the last season. Y’all, these niggas ain’t playing fair and the ending of last season is a testament to the sheer greatness and depth of the writers and cast of Agents of Shield. Cuz like…they literally pulled everything from the past 6 seasons together and wrote an ending that I really only could trust to be landed by them. If any other show had tried to kind of ending, I’d have waived that shit off like Randy Pritchford stiff arming basic human decency.

    And lord I can’t even imagine what the hell happened to FitzSimmons. I’ve never a fictional couple have to fight to prove their love to the universe like those two. It was also super sweet watching them come together with Deke, who might be the only tech start white guy where everything he did made sense; nigga went from an Apple being a luxury to having money like he owned Apple. You love to see it.

    Have y’all ever gone outside y’all normal lane of video games and found something you really enjoyed? I play a lot of Overwatch, Apex, Metal Slug, etc. Majority of games I play on my Xbox involve me shooting at someone, so when I started playing Animal Crossing? Holy shit that game hits different. It’s so adorable and cute and relaxing! There ain’t any stakes and the multiplayer is literally just sharing stuff with your friends and/or admiring all the things they have!

    Also, Aaron, thank for offering the perspective of a parent on here dealing with a kid playing video games. I don’t have a kid, but I’m the only tech literate member of my family and thus have to constantly keep an eye on what my nephew (he’s 10) is doing in video games (my mom still calls everything an “Intendo” and my sister has bigger fish to fry than learn this stuff). Am I off base for thinking that Fortnite’s UI is a perfect mix between being easy for a kid to add a credit card to but also blindly complex to a parent trying to figure out if they credit card info is in there?

    Thanks for all the shows all y’all do, especially in this age of the rona!

    PS – Shouts out to Kriss for turning that OrgyCon money into a new house and BatCave!

  2. Amani

    Rod talked about not reading books and then coming back to watch the series and I’m the same way man. I’ve even stopped series I’ve been in the middle of once I found out they’re being adopted. I’ve never been disappointed going back and reading something even if the endings are the same, but letting my imagination run wild and then watching someone else’s vision for the same thing is a letdown. Really the only exceptions to that are comic books. Not just the MCU but shows like The Walking Dead or the Arrowverse because they do such a good job of borrowing from the text but bringing something different.

    Speaking of shows, the king is back baby! I swear I had a dream about Agents of SHIELD and the next day they finally announced it’s back in May. This summer TV season is gonna be right on time with all the episodes already finished. And did you see that Solar Opposites trailer? Looks like the companion to Rick & Morty, and if we’re only getting another 5 episodes of that at least we’ll have a little something to tide us over on the wait.

    Alright appreciate the drop perspectives as always, hope everybody is taking care of themselves.

  3. Truenotes1

    Hey Crew,

    Question, besides what you’re currently reading and watching. What books would you consider your absolute favorites, meaning what would you go back and re-read because it was just that good. I myself have at re-read Hickman’s run on Avengers and New Avengers multiple times.
    Also Karen, have you watched “Kipo and the age of wonder beasts” on Netflix? It is so good. I started watching it by myself, but then my wife got hooked after sitting in towards the end of the third episode. She then had me start from the beginning again with her. Most times the things I watch aren’t her cup of tea. But it is definitely one of those Happy shows that Rod talks about. And thank you for that Rod. Because you definitely need shows like that to make you forget about the crap that goes on outside.

    Thanks everyone again for being amazing.

  4. rodimusprime

    Hey TNO Crew,

    I loved that this most recent episode was 3 hours long with lots of anime talk.

    I’ve finished the 4th ninja war arc in Shippuden and have pieces of Boruto but can’t bring myself to be excited. My impression is that power levels have gotten to the point where you are fodder if you aren’t related to Naruto, Sasuke, or Kaguya. But Aaron and Justin have convinced me to continue on.

    And Rod, sorry if this makes me sound like a Bernie Bro or part of the Beyhive, but please don’t ever compare Eiichiro Oda Tha God to George R.R. Martin again.

    Love all the positivity on this show and can’t wait for it to go back to a bi-weekly schedule.


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