A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

PG 239: Reverse Cowgirl Baptist Church

Rod and Justin are joined by Karen to discuss new computer struggle, reading books on Kindle, Amazon Wishlists, Crowdcast interview, Jill Scott is brown skinned, putting bread in the fridge, Insecure, listener feedback and Pregame News.


  1. rodimusprime

    I know I haven’t written y’all in a while.

    First, I wanted to thank you for the recommendation to watch The Scheme. I really liked it. I went in expecting to find a story about sloppy negroes that got caught, but I was shocked to see that it really looks like entrapment. I cannot believe that they invested so much energy in snaring that one dude.

    Second, I’m going through premarital counseling and y’all (Karen & Rod) were the only happily married couple that I could say that I “knew”. As silly as it sounds, observing y’all over the years, witnessing your kindness, patience, and loyalty has been such a blessing. More particularly, and I’ve struggled for years to find the words for this, I thank Karen for the happiness I’m currently experiencing. Years ago on the main show, Karen had a rant about how sisters need to quit acting like brothers have the cheat code for us, we have to open ourselves up to receiving love from other folks, and that you can still be down while dating interracially. Well, that stuck with me and for the first time, let myself be open to a white guy friend of mine that had always treated me special. Thanks to Karen’s words, I’ve been able to experience so many things (NBA Finals 3 years in a row, Hamilton 3 times, Football HOF, I got to meet Deion Sanders) and now we’re engaged to be married in August, rona willing.

    Thanks for being yourselves for all of us,

  2. Kemdoc

    Rod, Karen, and Judacris,

    I like PB&J on untoasted bread and I can’t do that with 4 degree bread but I know folks that lit their bread in the fridge as well.

    I didn’t watch the battle because I don’t know what’s happening with Nelly, plus I heard it was a mess. What the hell was Ludacris thinking with that song lol? When the artists play an obscure track it’s at least a Bside on a popular album. Can’t expect sense from the Verzus content. I think Swizz and Timbo need to table it to be able to curate the experience they are trying to put out. They seem beside themselves with all of this and often step on their own content and moment by live streaming 30 seconds after the battles are done. Taking their time with this will stop some of these jarring things from happening. Why aren’t they stressing social distancing at least when the artist is live and maybe let’s not play unreleased joints from the vault that are wild problematic. Ehhh….anyway the sentiment of it all is nice. Just my few ponderings.

    Jill Scott has always spoke to my soul. I saw an interview from 2013 where she said that she wanted out of the industry and tried to put out music people wouldn’t like but then ‘Golden’ was on that album. And then it became the song for the Golden Globes which I didn’t even compute in my mind. I was blown away by her agenda and perspective from that album because Volume 2 is my favorite album from her. Her music brought about real feminine sex positivity in Neo-soul in 2001-2002. I’m always here for Jill celebration. And that nude leak talk is always intriguing to me. Still not sure what to make of any of her explanation but that ain’t my business. Glad she got past that violation of her privacy. And I don’t think she and Erykah are frenemies but I don’t know shyt. Lol. Seemed like Jill was blown away by the love but also high and nice off the wine. She forgot to play her unmitigated hits.

  3. nahan87

    I don’t write in a lot but I had to write in solidarity with Justin on not reading after grad school. I loved reading before grad school. I even won a reading contest as a kid. My mom works at a library so reading was a big part of my life, then I went to grad school. It took me 3 years before I could read a book through to the end and it’s still hard for me to start reading, let alone even finishing a book. It was an ebook I read but even ebooks are hard to read. It’s literally the act of reading a book that causes issues. I read articles, twitter, Fb, but if it’s a book, I kind of shut down.

    I’ve been telling people grad school broke me and they just didn’t understand. I think I have PTSD from all the reading I was required to do in class and as part of my thesis. It’s been 7 years since I graduated and I’m slowly working towards reading more. I’m going to try audio books then try to graduate to reading in order to regain something I used to love to do. It’s nice to know I’m not alone.

  4. fyahworks

    What’s up rod, “murder Karen”, & Justin

    Hope the week was kind to you guys. I loved that episode by the way!

    Have you guys seen the trailer for the chi? It’s returning June 21!

    Have you guys heard anything about snowfall? I know it’s a June/July show but with John singleton dying, things could be different.

    Looking forward to both shows!
    Where I worry is future seasons/next year for our favorite shows! Of course I’m all for the safety of all people, But I know actors probably won’t be able to film this year which will delay all of our shows we enjoy. Wasn’t Atlanta suppose to return this year or was that 2021?

    Before I go! Major props to the goat for putting on that graduation show for the graduates, featuring performances like H. E. R. and the likes of Kevin Hart, prez Obama, and king James himself!

    Stay blessed, black, high favored, & rona free

    Fyahworks out

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