A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

BDS 366: Groupie’s Tell

Rod, Justin and Karen discuss listener feedback, Odell Beckham Jr sex rumor, Kaepernick in Madden, Danuel House Jr messing up the bubble, Djokovic hits line judge with ball, record number of Black women representing US in tennis, Trevor Lawrence social justice tweet, Tomi Lahren / Jay Cutler dating rumor, DeAndre Baker cut from Giants, Quinton Dunbar back at center of robbery case, college football player dies from Covid possibly, Steve Nash addresses white privilege, Kerri Walsh Jennings risking that Rona, virtual Lakers fan shaves, English soccer bubble busted, Von Miller injury, Little Richard opening Monday Night Football, Cowboys fan mad team is allowed to kneel, Bachelor contestant dating Steelers qbs, Kristin Cavallari being petty, Carig Sager’s son is racist, Tony Bruno with some racism, Skip Bayless downplays Dak’s depression, Bubba Wallace leaving Richard Petty Motorsports, NCAA tournament and Josh Bellamy facing federal charges.


  1. Dr_Doughstax

    Howdy Rod, Karen and Jawhy Leonard,

    I hope all is good with y’all.

    Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “Somebody told a lie one day…” and y’all, lotta people done lied to us. We were sold a false bill of goods lead by a nigga in straight backs and New Balances. I was told that Kawhi Leonard is better than LeBron James since LeBron James is washed. That LA belonged to a nigga in straight backs and New Balances. First of all, that nigga signing with New Balances should’ve been the first sign we can’t trust his decision making. Not Nike. Not Adidas. Not even Under Armour to keep Steph company. What, did Russell Athletics not hit him up? Asics didn’t want to step into the hoop game? Do Lugz still exist? No ad campaign is powerful enough to scrub off the reality of “this nigga trying to sell me some New Balances”. Disgusting.

    Why don’t folks ever mention injury history between LeBron and Kawhi? It took LeBron 17 years to get a groin strain and for him to miss the Finals, let alone the playoffs. Kawhi *and* his rolling buddy, PG13%, had to be loaded managed so they could combine 0 (ZERO!) 4th quarter points in an elimination game. Nevermind that Kawhi was definitely looking haggard last season moving around as the playoffs wore on.

    Highest note the Clippers get to leave on gonna be the Mickey Mouse phone call telling them checkout is at 11 AM.

    Folks in Cleveland already talking about how Odell is losing a step and not that Baker Mayfield is just Drug Free Johnny Manizel.

    Shouts out to celebrated Steeler’s left tackle and habitual line stepper Alejandro Villanueva for taping over Antwon Rose Jr’s (murdered by East Pittsburgh police in 2018) name on his helmet with Alwyn Cashe’s name (Black solider who died in Afghanistan in *2005*). And then we got Tyler Eiffert who Daivd Dorn’s name onto his helmet (Dorn a Black police chief that got killed and white people enjoy using him as a whataboutism). I think both of these are passive aggressive and frankly pretty racist. They couldn’t even play the game with someone’s name on their helmet! And with Villaneuva, why is it whenever the Steelers do something as a nod to specifically Black social justice, this dude gets a pass on being part of the team? At my most cynical, I think he’s both saying what he thinks about Black Lives Matter and saying, “Naw, this is the Black person I wanna honor”. Ugh.

    I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend and thank you as always,

    Niggas only, only niggas,


  2. kalynlouis

    Whadup Rod, Karen and Jaul George. Thank you for confirming my suspicions of you just being some 6’9 nigga that just score really cool and riding the high of taking LeBron to a game 7. Kawhi and PG having 24 points combined and sitting on the bench with that “Damn, we really ass” face sums it up for me. Doc gotta get fired off of happenstance, like you really let this happen again on your watch?? I really don’t know what else to say but all of these good ball players and coaches are TRASH in conjunction with one another, do these niggas just not like each other?? I have no other explanation for that.

    And also, did ya’ll see college ball is back in a little over a month. Now, I know what y’all gonna say about college kids playing during the rona, but coming from a washed up ex college player, my dumbass would’ve signed any waiver to play my last years of formal athletics. My thing is that it’ll just be really good college teams practically scrimmaging each other the entire season which is better than nothing, but is it really??
    Ight y’all have a good one, peace!

  3. Banger316

    Hey Rod Karen and Justin this is persona lover from twitter and let me tell y’all as a proud BronSexual seeing and being able to joke on twitter with a collective of nba fans about this 3-1 choke job by the clippers has been chefs kiss. All year I had to hear these anti-lebron fuckbois aka temporary clippers fans talking about how this kawhi league now and him and Paul George and the rest of the clippers are gonna bust the lakers ass come playoff time…and well well well couldn’t even beat the joker and crew from the Denver nuggs, but y’all had a chance against a real championship caliber team like us lol okay. At least now I don’t have to hear about how it’s cool for Leonard to load manage and miss 1/2 the reg season as though in their rookie yr they can flip some imaginary switch come playoff time and their chemistry and rotations would make them world beaters fuck outta here. Cause any real basketball fan would tell you that was never gonna happen. So to see them and all their sycophants in the sports media world be exposed for the frauds they are all while lebron and company are going on to win a ring is pure bliss as a sports fan


    Hey Rod, Karen & Jayoff P. I’m just going to use this platform to slander Paul George & why he’s nothing more than one of the greatest chokers every year in the playoffs. I’m a Heat fan, so I know first hand. When he was a Pacer, I remember all of the basketball pundits fill up the heads of Roy Hibbert, George Hill & Paul George as the dudes to dethrone the Miami Heat. He had flashes of decent to good games, but he never blew me away then. All I remember him doing is fouling out, letting others accept responsibility & just sulking on the court all the time when a call went against him. Those Pacers did put fear in us because Pacers D gone Pacers D, but Wade, Bron, Bosh, Mike Miller & UD eventually put those fools in their place on three straight occasions. And Layoff P lied about being front-runners after that embarrassment on Tuesday. Same shit in Indy with his unaccountable ass. After saying they’re a championship or bust team, he then turns into an influncer, caught in the act of fraud & says the opposite, performing humility. The ultimate buster, man.

    Kawhi being terrible stunned me, however. I did not see that case of lemonbooty infecting him. The entire team went over 7 minutes in the 4th quarter without a FG in a pivotal game 7. Unacceptable. Lots of credit to the Nuggets, though. They got some good players on that team. As much as I’d like to talk more shit about Kawhi, I just enjoy seeing Paul George fail even more. It’s like watching roses bloom in the battlefield. Clippers might as well blow it all up, because this was their best shot at beating the Lakers & I didn’t think they would beat them anyway, because so much of their offense relied on Kawhi & when he couldn’t execute against the Nuggets (and even the Mavericks), they were just another team in LeBron & company’s way.

    Also, this whole series changed my respect for Doc Rivers. Dude’s been living off that 2008 Boston championship for a long time. I even knew Doc had playoff struggles before winning it in 08′, but we can stop treating him like a GOAT coach now. If those games didn’t erode the Doc Rivers coaching genius illusion, I don’t know what will.

  5. chubbzero

    Hey Karen, rod and jawhi jeonard. In the immortal words of Omar, “if you come at the king, you bet not miss!” I bet when you made that lil funky new balance commercial with that crown key chain, you had no idea shit would end like this! Being the 4th option on the spurs or sneaking a championship in Toronto when the expectations aren’t that high hit a lil different when the entire basketball world is watching you and only you don’t it? This has got to be one of worst choke jobs in sports history! I hear some pundits try to compare this to lebron’s loss to the mavs in the finals, but at least it was the finals! Speaking of lebron, can you imagine the flack and criticism he would have got if he did this? And what’s your thoughts on the wcf? Lakers in 4 ,5,6? Or do you think the nuggets will continue their upset bid to the finals? Alright yall have a great day!

  6. fyahworks


    What’s good, Rod Karen and jos ángeles clippers

    I mean are those wildfires in California? Or the clippers getting roasted for that game 7 lost to the chicken Mc nuggets? at this point should we just call them the Denver game 7s?

    Shout out to kawhi and paul George honoring the black mamba by scoring 24 combined!

    Remember when pat bev and pg13 was laughing at dame for missing 2 free throws early in the bubble? Is this karma?

    Paul George is no longer Play off or lay off P, he is Pandemic P! Y’all think doc rivers job is safe?

    Lastly, I don’t think Lou Williams is mad at all! He on a first class flight back to atl to magic city for some wings and things!

    Have a great weekend!

    Niggaz only

    Only niggaz


  7. Amani

    Hey Rod, Karen, and Joc Rivers

    So what if I told the man who has the most Game 7 losses of all-time, and the only coach in NBA history to blow a 3-1 lead more than once, was coaching Way-Off P and the decayed knees of Kawhi Leonard when everybody and their mama told me they were the favorites over Washed King James, and they didn’t even make it to the Conference Finals? Even Baker Mayfield is shocked by how little they got done with that much talent around them.

    We thought the Rockets slander was bad, they ain’t have NOTHING on the Clippers getting roasted! Imagine the heat LeBron would be getting if he went 6-22 in a Game 7 blowing this many leads. They would have to bury Skip Bayless with his phone because he’d still be tweeting. Meanwhile, Kawhi got his hand-picked partner great value Al Harrington, and now they don’t have their own first round pick until 2027 when Lebron Jr. is gonna be old enough to drink. And did you see how they unlocked the petty from Dame and the Blazers? This is what I’m here for. 

    And remember how folks talked all off-season about Tom Brady having weapons again and it will make him look good? I’m trying not to overreact to week 1 with no preseason, but can we at least joke about him ignoring his two Pro-Bowl receivers to target his new favorite 5’9″ white slot target Scotty Miller? My man definitely has a type! 

    Alright y’all have a great week as always, appreciate you.

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