A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2295: Gabe Be Preachin’

After discussing the anti-Asian shootings in Atlanta, Rod and Karen recap The Walking Dead.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. EvieE

    I don’t know what happened to Gabe but this is the best character development in the entire show. He went from sniveling coward to a dude who is about that life. Gabe will shank a bitch in the name of the Lord. Mays had to go.

  2. neahpata

    Gabe is an Episcopalian preacher. He said so right before he tossed Jadis’s garbage cans. Episcopalians support marriage equality and prohibit discrimination based on gender identity and expression.

  3. Mary

    Rod and Karen, I know this is primarily a Walking Dead recap show, but I wanted to thank you for starting the show with the news about the mass killing of Asian people in Atlanta yesterday. I really wish I could’ve been in the chatroom today (I didn’t get the Crowdcast invite) because I wanted to be with my people today. Even though I’m, I think, usually the only Asian in the chat, you all have always been so welcoming — as long as I don’t say any crazy shit haha. All throughout these Asian crimes escalating this past year, especially these last couple months and culminating in yesterday, only one of my white friends has said anything on social media, and only one has reached out to me, and that’s because he’s married to me. These are people I grew up with, went to school with, have been in recovery with for decades. Their silence has been so hurtful and deafening. Strangely, this may be the best thing to move things towards racial solidarity among BIPOC. Asians usually don’t say anything and aren’t usually thought of in these spaces. People usually don’t think about advocating for us too, and we certainly don’t help ourselves when we buy into the model minority myth. But these Asians (usually older) who have been happy to keep silent about race and want to maintain their proximity to whiteness may finally see that nah, we’re Other too. At some point there really will be more of us than them. Anyway, thank you to you and my peeps in the chatroom for letting me hang and be a part of. Love, Mary

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