A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2302: Roy’s Job Fair

Rod and Karen are joined by Roy Wood Jr of the Roy’s Job Fair Podcast to discuss scamming on the job, dogs in the hood, brushes with the law, when to talk to your Black child about race, working minimum wage jobs, work ethic, stressful situations at jobs, loss prevention and more.


  1. DBman12

    Hey Rod and Karen,

    It was great hearing y’all chat it up with Roy Woods Jr. Y’all do have fond memories of your pre-bag years. It was like listening to my older cousins and their pals relive their wild youths.

    I’m glad you guys talked the Netflix Crack doc and those crazy ass crack years. Karen, I too was swayed by the DARE. I was 10 when Clinton signed that Crime Bill and I remember that my parents, aunts and uncles, and all their friends were begging for government to do something. Seeing how wild LA and Detroit were, having family members strung out, and every Black adult around me scared to death, DARE just confirmed my fears that drugs were just a “one and done” type of deal.

    As always, thanks for another great show!
    – Doug B

  2. EvieE

    I laughed so hard this episode I couldn’t breathe at some points. This reminded me of my first job and all the scamming that went on. I was 16 and I worked in the food section at an amusement park. We got a 50 percent employee discount for food so before we would go on break we would make stuff not on the menu like triple bacon cheeseburgers and chilli bacon fries. And then we’d have to stand in line and our buddy behind the cash register would just ring us up for a drink and give us the employee discount. And when I worked the ice cream shop I made myself some outrageous sundaes. I felt bad at first but when I realized they were only promoting the white kids to the supervisor positions and they got to operate the rides while most of the black kids were either put in food service or park service, basically the janitors, I scammed the the fuck out of that job because fuck them. We even figured out that if you ring someone up and void their transaction you could remove the money and your till wouldn’t come up short. One guy made 500 dollars extra in a couple weeks and management didn’t catch on until he quit. They were eventually bought by six flags. My brothers worked there when they were 16 as well but they said they tightened up so there wasn’t as much scamming.

  3. Mawnty

    There were so many laugh out loud moments in this episode! A true winner. I loved hearing about all of y’all’s customer service jobs. I’ve had many retail jobs as a sales clerk but never a restaurant job so I like hearing about the behind the scenes of that environment. It helps me be a better customer, and that’s always my goal.

    You guys covered such a hilarious variety of topics, but I probably enjoyed the fast food talk the best. Let me say something that may be controversial: I always go for the fish sandwiches at any burger place. Maybe I was raised by the Filet-O-Fish, which weirdly was a big deal during Lent when I was younger. Like, I proudly would eat that on Fridays when, as a Catholic, I wasn’t allowed to eat meat. So strange.
    Anywhoo, the first time I ever went to a Popeye’s was on 14th Street in Manhattan and they had a bunch of fried shrimp and fish combos and I really thought it was more of a seafood restaurant. And for a few years after that I’d get the ridiculous fish sandwich which was a long filet on the worst excuse of a long roll. Literally light years away from the perfect manna that is the soft F-O-F bun. I also remember really enjoying the fish sandwich at Burger King, maybe 20 years ago? The point is maybe they offer the fish option for weirdo customers like me. And I’m looking forward to trying the new Popeye’s fish sandwich…as soon as it looks safe enough for me to actually walk inside the restaurant, since we don’t have drive-thrus. We got a new Krispy Kreme on 125th St, a couple doors down from the Popeye’s, but every time I walk by there’s just too many people in there so that I -ahem- chicken out of going into either of those places. I still look, though.

    Thanks for this and all the great episodes. Stay safe and increasingly more immune!

  4. ClassicRandBLover

    Hello Rod and Karen,

    This episode needed to be called the Dead Pets Chronicles. So many recounting of dead animals. Please know, your white fans have reported both you and Roy Wood Jr. to the ASPCA. Between the dead pets and job thefts (you and Roy were speaking my language during the latter conversation), your days might be numbered.

    Having said that, the realness of this episode and its discussion about and reflection upon Black life in America is what hit me.

    Roy Wood Jr. is so damn funny. He is always a great guest.

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