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SMR 345: Black Widow

Rod and Karen review the latest MCU film, “Black Widow.” We also discuss some movie trailers.

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    Black Widow is certainly a welcome presence after not having a single MCU release in 2020. My biggest takeaway from this film, was how funny it was. Florence Pugh, David Harbour & even Rachel Weisz had numerous scenes that had me dying in amazement. Pugh time & again making fun of Natasha’s “super hero landing” shtick was a chef’s kiss. The action was solidly visceral & had good weight to them. Ray Winstone’s Draykov was very good. Kinda wish Taskmaster had more personality & some of the CG was cleaned up. If things were different & Ike Perlmutter wasn’t a piece of shit with his MAGA tendencies, Black Widow could’ve firmly slid into, say, the 2017 MCU film slate, tying things up with Nat proper into her Endgame arch, but it is what it is. Saw it twice in theaters & can’t wait to see it on D+.

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