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SMR 365: Cry Macho

Rod does a solo review of Clint Eastwood’s latest movie “Cry Macho.”

1 Comment


    I’ll keep it short & sweet for this film: It looks nice, Natalia Traven was the heart of the film & the orchestral score is respectable.

    Other than that, lots & lots & lots of blah.

    Eduardo Minett, even with his bad script, was pretty bad. This is ACTUALLY his first major role. He was in telenovelas, but this big time for the young man. He can get better, but he’s starting pretty. Haven’t seen a child actor this bad since Ellar Coltrane’s performances in Boyhood & The Circle. Buddy was flat & uninspiring like that kid.

    Clint needs to officially retire from acting for good. He’s 91 years old. Man has unretired 20 million fucking times, just to be a shell of himself. Clint Eastwood’s last legit good film, imo, is Absolute Power, which came out nearly a quarter century ago. I guess Million Dollar Baby was another good one for him, but I credit Hillary Swank for that stellar performance. Should’ve rolled out like Gene Hackman did in 2004 & never returned onscreen forever. Would’ve been better for his legacy, but alas.

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