A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

BDS 501: Rock Your Hips

Rod, Justin and Karen discuss listener feedback, Tommy Devito’s agent, Jokic leaving Nike, Danica Patrick is a conservative, Ja Morant, Chiney Oqwumike gets married, Jaire Alexander suspended, Aaron Gordon bitten by dog, Nick Wright goes off on Aaron Rodgers, NFL ratings vs NBA ratings, Dr. Umar goes after Vanessa Bryant, Gilbert Arenas spreads rumor about Halle Berry, Deebo Samuel catfished, time traveling ref conspiracy, Terrence Shannon Jr suspended amid rape allegation, Zion Williamson’s new tattoo and KD responds to media speculation.



    Happy Spicy New Year, Rod, Karen, Jat McAfee.

    Man, everyone’s pretty much on Aaron Rodgers being a disingenuous firestarter about Jimmy Kimmel being on that Epstein list & uh, Jimmy Pitaro, ESPN head, do you regret this now?

    Look, I have no actual beef with McAfee, besides him being the “buyer” of this Fraudgers (h/t Fiyastarter) stock, which does causes me to see him as a bit of terrible character in all of this, but I don’t necessarily dislike him. However, that bullshit apology? Dude, you have a national platform in which you allow a guy to spew untruths about a fellow Disney colleague. How did you not know this was where this was gonna go, you fucking “naysayer”? You’re a goddamn accomplice. A sleeper cell, to be frank.

    This is what “ok, it’s still good” looks like & if Kimmel gotta be the one to shut this down? Fuck it. I know black Twitter don’t like him for a variety of reasons, I get it, I don’t care, right now. I am rooting for this brand of chaos against Aaron. If it means Pat gotta go down, for enabling a McCarthyism ass nigga like Rodgers, so be it. Disney & ESPN should’ve known fucking better.

    Propaganda gets people killed fucking daily. Past, present & future. Somebody had to say something. Wish it were sooner but if this is what it takes, then swing away, Kimmel.

    Also, analytics types, I love ya, stop bitching about dudes fumbling the ball out of the end zone. It’s a matter of fact rule. Not all these “antiquated” rules need to be changed to “modernize” the game. Plus, it rarely happens. Only time we talk about it, is at THE MOMENT it happens. Don’t move them to the five yard line, either. It’s a lost possession. Just don’t let it happen.

    Dan Campbell, take the extra point. I was good with it the first time. You cannot let these bum ass refs determine who’s eligible. Your meathead pride came back & bit you in the ass. Cowboys survived a potentially epic choke job on Jimmy Johnson Ring of Honor night. Them the breaks. Take it easy. Peace out.

  2. Dr_Doughstax

    What it do Rod, Karen and Javid Tepper,

    How y’all naysayers doing? Happy New Years and I hope all is well.

    I knew Pat MacAfee was in trouble soon as saw him wearing sleeves. And why wouldn’t he be: Aaron Rodgers hopped on MacAfee’s show and ESPN’s airwaves to say that Jimmy Kimmel was on the Epstein list! And it really ain’t the best look that ESPN laid off all those folks so they could put this kind of shit on the air. Or maybe they don’t care cuz the clip will be viral and popular? Also, the ivermectin idiot got on this from saying the Super Bowl’s color scheme is based of game fixing from the league. Nobody from the league gonna get in his ear?

    Nature abhors a vacuum and it looks like David Tepper has decided to become the new owner that everyone, including the team’s fans, can’t fucking stand. Now Tepper out here throwing drinks opposing fans? Mister would’ve squared up with a fan, at the very least.
    What part of the game is that? Rod, I saw that graphic you tweeted where North Carolina’s most hated NFL team were the fucking Panthers! And I know only winning 2 games in a season seems demoralizing but it could be worse: they could only win 1 game. Or even go unwinfeated, which looks like it’s on table cuz the organization sounds like a mess.

    College football bowl season has been rough for me. Ohio State lost to Mizzou in the Cotton Bowl, which I expected. But then I had to see Bama fall apart in the Rose Bowl to fucking Michigan? And now those raggedy bastards are playing for the National Championship? I hope Washington fries those niggas extra hard. I hate Michigan. One of the few things I got going for me is that Jim Harbaugh is probably gonna leave for an NFL job and Michigan is gonna fall the fuck apart again. The entire impetus for me saying teams ain’t won shit since thick back 480p TVs existed was to slander Michigan! My ops are successful and the collective happiness of their fanbase disgusts me. I need Washington to score enough in the first half so only Washington fans and hating ass niggas like me are partying in the second half.

    I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend and thanks as always for the fanfuckingtastic shows!



  3. Mary

    Hi Rod, Karen and Jaaron Rodgers,
    I know you mentioned Ray Rice getting honored by the Ravens on the regular show, but I wanted to chime in here since it’s “sports”. It is not lost on me the punitiveness and refusal to recognize change shown towards Michael Vick and Ray Rice. In Ray’s case specifically, as was mentioned, domestic violence is a complicated matter. I found the nuance in DV because of my experience working on expungements at a legal clinic. I had a client who was trying to expunge a domestic violence charge from his record, and my first reaction when I saw his rap sheet was “Oh, hell no.” But in this case, DV meant that during a fight with his girlfriend, this man threw her phone at her. Not ideal and a bit of a red flag, sure. But this charge was on his record and haunted this man for 30 years. The judicial system doesn’t differentiate what my client did from a man who severely and repeatedly beats his partner – and thus the legal, social and occupational punishment is the same. My client took anger management classes and went on to live a regular life as a roofer. In fact, the reason he was at the clinic was because his longtime wife insisted he get it removed so he could have that burden lifted. Obviously, what Ray Rice did was worse, but my point is there is no blanket one-size-fits all DV case — and people can and do change. And if justice, reparation, and redemption is what people want, then not sure what the issue is. Happy New Year!

  4. Marcrand

    Hello to my favorite Sports podcast long time listener first time writer. How much are you all looking forward to University of West Virginia prospect Noah Knigga (yes, it’s pronounced that way)? Love you guys and the show, peace.

  5. Romey_Rome

    Shout out to Rod , Karen and Jaron Rodgers. This fool and his shit talking about Jimmy Kimmel being afraid of the Epstein list about to fuck around and get his ass sued. Got Mcaffee out hear apologizing and shit. ESPN needs to sack up and take Jimmy’s side cus he actually works for them and A-a-ron doesnt but I doubt they will cus they pay Mcaffee too much money.

    On another note, not necessarily sports related but that dude that jumped the judge’s bench in Las Vegas looked like that picture of Brian Dawkins the Philadelphia Eagles safety flying thru the air making a tackle against the Giants years ago.

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