A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

TNO 45: Fuck Anakin SkyWalker


Rod is joined by Karen, Kriss, Sterling and Aaron to discuss what we’ve been watching, reading and playing. Then we get into some news including the Spider-man franchise merging with the Marvel, Kristen Stewart, the Marvel universe resetting, X-men and Zelda TV series, John Wick 2 is happening, robots have had enough, Star Wars news and Kirkman’s new TV show.

Kriss’ Website

Sterling’s Website

Aaron’s Website

1 Comment

  1. nahan87

    I am fuming! This is ludicrous. I’m a Peace Corps Volunteer in Indonesia and just watched the Kingsman this weekend and they cut out the church scene. All they showed was up to the phone signal going off and then they cut to him leaving the church. I knew something was wrong so I immediately listened to Movie Trailer Reviews and heard Kriss and Phenom talking about how good the church scene was but they didn’t go into detail. Now hearing y’all talk about it on The Nerd Off I am livid. What the heck Indonesia?!

    Anyways, love this podcast. Its my favorite. I was cracking up when Rod was talking about his faith wavering and how Stan Lee saved him. All that was missing was a “weeeeeell” every once in a while. Thanks for giving me a piece of home whenever I listen.

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