A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

TNO 55: Niggerman


Rod, Kriss and Karen discuss listener feedback, our favorite shows and games of 2015, Boseman, Cards Against Humanity, loading screen mini games, Konami vs Kojima, FF7 will be multi-part, NSA, fake PS4 Christmas, Michael Bay is back for Transformers 5, Xena returning, Quentin Tarantino’s Luke Cage almost happened, Steven Universe censored in the UK, Rey missing from Star Wars toys, Colton Haynes, Star Wars sex toys, Titans, Powerless, Marvel’s Most Wanted, PS4 VR cost a lot, The Killing Joke, Pacific Rim 2 still happening, Dark Tower, Poe Dameron getting a comic book, Gillian Anderson low balled by Fox, Terminator sequel taken off schedule, Star Wars sold madd toys B, Spider-man reboot moved up 2 weeks, Black Panther, Xbox Elite controller and we give love advice to a Twitch streamer’s boyfriend.


  1. Amani

    Fox finally did it!! We waited 15 years for them to embrace the comic books and we finally got Deadpool right! This for me is the start of the real X-Men universe. Give me X-Factor and New Mutants far away from Singer and I can have hope for that studio again. Even though I’m worried Fox is already taking the wrong lessons away from that success.

    Oh and hold up, Deadpool made $135 opening weekend. But I was told that February was a dumping ground, and Marvel was trying to bury Black Panther by putting it there. Hmm funny how that works.

    And let me throw a bone to DC since they need it, Supergirl is one of my favorite new shows of 2015. Can’t wait for that Lexi Alexander episode and the Flash crossover. Talk about embracing the comics, we’ve gone full Earth-2 and Legends of Tomorrow might be my favorite show of the new season. I’m just cooking off of everything. I’m a little worried they might spread Geoff Johns too thin with his new role, but this is a golden age. And that latest Batman/Superman trailer? Yeah, we in there.

    P.S. I know Kriss stopped watching, but the racists so mad about Richonne!! Between that and Captain America and Thor, they’re all up their feelings and I love it!

  2. Wonga_5

    hows it going Rod, Karen, Kriss & any possible guest

    some of my fav shows, games & movies of 2015 were agents of shield, flash, jessica jones, daredevil & rick & morty for shows. movies – Ultron, antman & of course star wars. fav game, life is strange & arkham knight. getting 100% completion on arkham knight was a mission but satisfying, some of the riddler things were tough.

    worst game – that game of thrones bullshit

    i look forward to another year listening to nerd off’s especially with all the cool shit that coming out this year


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