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BDS 177: The Melo Agenda


Rod, Justin and Karen discuss listener feedback, the NFL week in review, Eli hating on OBJ, RBJ was hating, Tom Brady on Trump, Bobby Brown graffiti’s China, the Grimes owe the IRS, Kaepernick new contract, Draymond, Lebron wants to help retired players, Phil Jackson, Tim Hardaway, Onuaku underhand free throws, Melo on the D-league,  Ty Lawson, ASG in Charlotte, Oak In The Kitchen, Bosh not coming back this season, B-Side Players, Kurt Schilling, Kawhi skip college HOF ceremony, Kyrgios ITWAN, Titans not for sale, Anthony Davis wants personal assistant, Donald Penn cheating, Cam creeping in the DMs, Broner choked a waitress, Burfict fined, Mia Khalifa puts another dude on blast, Tyson Gay’s daughter killed, Kordell Stewart, Robert Golden’s wedding ruined, Tristan Thompson, D. Rose rape trial.

1 Comment

  1. Amani

    Hey Rod and J. Goodell

    J. Pippen was too easy, and Fidel Goodell deserves the dragging. Josh Brown is a piece of shit, and y’all covered that… in August, this isn’t news. But the NFL’s hypocrisy when it comes to this shit? That’s open season.

    It’s funny how the league can find information on what a college kid’s grandmother had for breakfast in 1967, but for some reason they can’t seem to get public record police reports. When that happened with Ray Rice they swore they’d do better, but surprise surprise the same shit happens. And now you even have a domestic violence policy, so how are you not following it when you’re supposed to give players six games but a kicker only gets one? Until they’re public outrage and then you suspend him with pay and FINALLY cut him when people call you on your shit?

    As little as we do anything about violence against women as a society this wouldn’t have even been an issue if Goodell’s ass hadn’t made this crusade about being tough on niggas his selling point. If this was Josh Gordon instead of Josh Brown we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. He spent so much time enforcing bullshit taunting penalties and taking all the fun out of the game the league has to step up and take a stand on punishments that shouldn’t be their job in the first place. Now these same racists he’s been catering to are mad he can’t fine the Colin Kaepernicks of the world and the product is going to shit on the field. When you’re putting Titans/Jaguars in prime time there’s nothing to take the attention away and let people give you a pass. Sucks don’t it? Meanwhile the NBA sitting over here just shining.

    Felt good letting all that petty out because whooo buddy them Warriors jokes are gonna be flying already. Meanwhile Lebron putting up a triple double game one with a ring the size of Cleveland and tells the story of that blown 3-1 lead. Thank God basektball is back. And it sounds like you and Justin got into that championship spirit in the gym already this week!

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