A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

TNO 106: Coon Penance Stare

Rod, Karen, Aaron and Kriss discuss listener feedback, entertainment, New Mutants pushed back again as well as Dark Phoenix, Rick and Morty season 4 hasn’t been ordered, Uber self driving car kills pedestrian, The Batman filming in 2019, Constantine joining Legends as a regular, No Man’s Sky coming to Xbox, Duke Nukem movie, Gambit movie sets filming date, facial recognition technology could ticket jay walkers, DeWanda Wise wants to play Storm, Sharknado 6 will be finale, Inhumans ending in Marvel comics, Deadpool 2 box office tracking, The Last Jedi was the most profitable movie of 2017, Ren And Stimpy creator scandal, Men in Black spin-off cast Tessa Thompson, Venom recruits Black Panther composer, Matt Damon passed on Homecoming role, Carmen Sandiego coming to Netflix, X-men in the MCU, Donald Glover gets petty about Deadpool animated series, Arnold Schwartzenegger get heart surgery and Gotham update.


  1. rodimusprime

    G’Day everybody

    its been a while so just quickly. black panther, star wars rebels, agents, holy shit, amazing.

    ready player one was fun. but out of all the random pop culture stuff, my fav was that it had a colecovision in it. that was the 1st console i played when i was about 5 trying to jump donkey kongs barrels & get the frog across the logs. i still have it now. the benefits of having parents who played games.

    i havent played any of the previous far cry games but picked up 5 because who doesnt wanna kill the cult members. i had this lady as my offsider cause she had a bow & arrow & i thought it would be good for quiet take downs. i asked her to shoot a person in a field & next thing i know the person is on fire & the whole field goes up in flames & i was like what the fuck happened. yeah, she was shooting flaming arrows. the game is wild.

    & now things have settled down here, i can catch up on some of the books i was reading like champions, secret warriors & vader. also whats up with Cho’s face on the latest champions issue


  2. Amani

    Karen came off the top rope calling that adorable little blob from Final Space a moon cricket, but she made up for it getting her Black Twitter CSI on with that Johnny Depp Sherlock Gnome breaking news. They hid him like Deadpool is trying to disappear TJ Miller.

    And if you had told me the two best shows on the CW would be with my man Beebo and Dreadlock Deathlok I wouldn’t have believed it but Legends and Black Lightning are so good! I know everybody is watching those shows, but just gotta give a special shoutout.

    P.S. The Expanse is byke dawg! And we even got a trailer for season 2 of Claws. There’s too much good tv to watch but I’ll take those kinda problems.

  3. Lauren in Pittsburgh

    I work in downtown Pittsburgh, so I see driverless cars on the regular because were a big testing site. I assure you that it’s not the driverless cars blocking crosswalks, rushing through lights, cutting off buses, or going 45 in a 20. At least if I get hit by a driverless car it’s because it can’t see me and not because it’s not looking. The sooner I can stop driving completely, the better!

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