A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

TTM 101: Light Skinned-Ed

Rod and Bassey recap Atlanta.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @Basseyworld

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Site: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

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  1. chubbzero

    Good morning Bassey and rod!
    I just have 2 things to say. This is the best Atlanta podcast there is and zazie beetz is fine af! That is all, have a nice day!

  2. Sean

    I was trying to play spot the Karen, but alas I missed it. Great call on that!

  3. rodimusprime

    Hi Rod and Bassey.

    I’m mad glad I forgot, then remembered you were doing This Too Much on a subsidiary of TBGWT’s vast media conglomerate. Black capitalism! And, unlike a linty cough drop at the bottom of someone’s purse, this is just the kind of spiritual meal about Atlanta I was looking to get full on.

    To your point about the absent absurdity of this episode, I would just add that sometimes, all you have to do is turn the lens toward what we consider to be usual family shenanigans, and, from a safe and increasing distance with your back turned to them, realize just how batshit crazy and absurd it actually is.

    Stefani Robinson wrote the real life living hell out of this episode and Donald Glover is acting his ass off this season. The look of empathy that registered on his face when Aunt Evilene told his mother their daddy had never claimed her was just so touching. It almost had me crying like episode 2.

    I don’t mind that we’re chronologically confused about the show. I think the emotional beats have been so good that they feel timeless, and everyone is delivering beautifully in this final season.

    And y’all, as usual, are delivering beautifully too. Thank you. I truly enjoy listening and connecting with you about this extraordinary show.

    Much love and peace,

  4. Itsmee

    As I watched this I said his aunt reminds me of a family member. And half way through I realized she was my mom. My mom is crazy aunt Genie. She is the family member that is extra and judgmental, but definitely not a hoarder.She’s not as extra as Genie, but they have the same energy. I imagined this is what our family would look like if we were a show. I loved it.

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