A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

LSG 51: The Real Pink Sauce

Rod and Karen are breaking in their new microphones with some new eats! In Spicy News we discuss McDonald’s new spicy menu items, McDonald’s removing McCafe items, Peanut Butter Crunch McFlurry, Taco Bell hot sauce slogans, the Volcano Menu is back, Florida Japanese steakhouse closes doors over meth contamination, the most popular donut flavors in each state and the restaurant service charge is here to stay. For Meals of the Week we tries Ace No. 3 and 204 North Kitchen and Cocktails. Finally in Cook Dat Nigga, Rod talks about his bourbon salmon BLT. No feedsmack this time. Talk to you again!


  1. LotusFlower

    Karen and Rod,

    Every time I see a new LSG episode posted I have to make sure I’ve eaten breakfast first because ya’ll make me super hungry. So, I ate my breakfast…but then you started talking about McDonald’s coffee items…and I started feeling the need for a hot latte. Just turned to my husband (we both work from home) to ask if we should order something from a nearby cafe. Long story short a couple of Salted Carmel Lattes should be delivered soon. .

    Also, I live in Iowa and can vouch for Apple Cider flavor donuts. We have apple cider flavor for almost everything I feel like. We have a ton of orchards and some of them make products that are sold locally in stores. Apple Cider cupcakes are good too.

    Anyways, thank you both for all of the great content to get me through the work day. I’ll just make sure my belly is completely full before I start listening next time

  2. PamelaM8

    Good Morning Karen and Rod – here’s some feedsmack for you! Lots to say because I love to eat!

    Regarding McDonald’s coffee and the removal of their sweet items, yes, I can vouch for the strength and quality of their coffee. I Googled, and they use arabica beans, like Starbucks uses, but whatever their process is, it comes out smoother in my opinion; Starbucks is too strong and it can hurt my stomach, even the lighter blends. I’ve had McDonald’s cinnamon roll and their previous cinnamon bites with their coffee and it was solid. But I wasn’t purchasing that too often, because I’m there for breakfast and it’s either the Sausage McGriddle or the sausage biscuit with grape jam for me! If I want something sweet, there’s lots of local donut shops around.

    Speaking of, I really enjoyed y’all going over the popular donuts in each state. Lot of regional differences and I was surprised to hear about the donuts that you’ve never seen or heard of! But I’m up here in the Midwest. I’m partial to cake donuts myself, yeast donuts are light and delicious but they don’t keep as long. A glazed sour cream old fashioned donut is the one! Especially with coffee!

    Finally, yes, service charges are out of control. I’ve said before I understand y’all’s situation with food delivery sometimes being a necessity; I live in a midsize city so I can drive to pick up the food that I want. What I’ve seen recently is the service charges for using credit cards! I know that this isn’t necessarily a new charge, but they don’t tell you about it before hand! We went out for a birthday meal for my mother and my son put it on his credit card, and I paid the cash tip. When I went to calculate the amount to leave I saw the “2.5% service charge for noncash payments”. Well that would have been nice to know before! We’re going out for a meal next week and I’m making sure that I have cash available for the meal, tax and tip so there are no surprises. Despite that, the staff deserve living wages and every penny of gratuity that I can provide. I’m like you, Rod, The Black Girl Who Tips! Bring me my food, fill my glass, leave me alone so I can read my book, and cash tips from me, no problem. Only takes a couple of visits and then they love to see me coming!

    This is one of my favorite shows and it’s a thrill when I see it’s available! Thank you!


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