A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

SMR 466: Heart of Stone

Rod does a solo review of the Gal Gadot Impossible White Man movie “Heart of Stone.” And he responds to your feedback on Jurassic World Dominion.

1 Comment


    I was pretty much done with this shit, the moment Dieter from Army of the Dead, started citing data to Gal going down that fucking slope. Like Gadot is bad in this & so is the screenplay but who the fuck wants that in an action movie. The key to this is the “elements of surprise” and when you have that, it just kills that trope.

    Oddly enough, I found the pacing here to be pretty fast. I haven’t discovered why that is, but this shit moved, despite things not really making much sense. Hard to believe this is from the same screenwriter who did Heart of Stone. This shit has more stone than coherence, I’m afraid.

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