A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

PG 388: Dealing With Crazy At Work

Rod, Justin and Karen discuss fixing cars and things around the house, Gen V, dealing with bad coworkers, the in-season tournament, J. Cole, The Morning Show, Amy and TJ Podcast and some local news.


  1. Mary

    Dammit Rod, you got me listening to that Amy & TJ podcast. I’m only a little way in but I am enjoying listening to them present their case of why they weren’t adulterers haha. Anyway, I know they’re liars, but dare I say it, they do have some charisma and chemistry! Oh! And perhaps you’ve already heard it but I have a podcast recommendation. The Ezra Klein episode named “A Different Path Israel Could Have Taken — and Maybe Still Can”. Like you, I’ve been measured in what I’m saying about this and just trying to keep educating myself. This is such a complicated topic, and while I’m pleased that the ones screaming “Free Palestine” have put some pressure on orgs like the UN and even Biden a little, I always think “but then what?” Much like the “Defund the police!” people, I think we have to have some plan in place. Anyway, this episode features someone who was an adviser to a former Israeli PM and puts forth a possible path forward. Just ignore the Kissinger bit at the end LOL.


    Hey guys, hope the week was good to yall,

    Just wanted to say not having regular tv shows on, due to the strike has not been the worse, yes, I miss some of my shows. But me and Netflix reconnected and I started to binge shows I had on “my list” . I watched lupin, Lincoln lawyer, few low budget movies, some other shows, and I’m on season 8 of suits currently, I guess in a weird way you can say the strike was like a safer form of the pandemic! Covid forced us to sit down, well the strike forced me to go through some shows I’ve been meaning to watch. It s actually easier to juggle binge watch and then keeping up with sports.

    I also wanted to respond to last week conversation about diys vs getting some one else to do it! I totally agree with what yall said. With certain shit around the house, yes imma take a stab at it, but when it come to that electrical and that plumbing…… Lowe’s is where the pros go! Lol you would be surprised what watching a YouTube video can do and how much it can save you.

    Enjoy y’all’s weekend

    Fyahworks out

  3. CheyenneKnew

    Good day to you all! I’ve been listening since 2017 and pre game remains the highlight of my week/month because of the realness ✨

    Sadly, I had a similar situation at work and it felt like betrayal!

    One office coworker in a separate department’s (1st gen African American!!) reported me to our office manager( also a sales lead) manger for talking about inappropriate things at work ie my period and how many people in the office have divorced parents (we were talking about dating).

    The office manager called my team lead (satellite office) now im in an office with 1 person that twists my words and another MANAGER that would rather go through departments than talk to me and assess the situation.

    I’m having hard time fighting like Rod and keeping it corporate. I want to shut down, do my work and leave but that is so miserable!

    Basically writing to ask -Karen, is there anything you would have done differently? I’m not asking for advice per se, so much as I wonder how you look back on the situation

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