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So as you know by now we’re taking the week off from the show for Memorial Day. Plus there’s no Game of Thrones this week so now is as good a time as any. We have done some guest spots on other shows. And you can still go enjoy those in the mean time. As always you can find these podcast on iTunes and Stitcher by searching the name.

Rod and Karen were on What’s The Tea Podcast

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Rod was on the Insanity Check Podcast with Kriss and Kev 437: Five Out Of Five and 433: Nostalgia’s A Bitch

Rod was on the Long and Late Movie Show to review Days of Future Past and Blended

Rod was on the Agents of Shieldcast finale.

Rod has been on the first 5 episodes of “A Black Show” which can be found on iTunes and Youtube.

Rod was on Where’s My 40 Acres The Boobtube: 24 The Bauer Hour – 903