A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

BDS 190: The Balls Of The Year

Rod and Justin review listener feedback, discuss Balls Deep Award nominations, Cali players free agency, Kings want to extend Cousins, the Knicks, Johnny Manziel charging for pics, Warrick Dunn, Anthony Lynn, Okafor’s daddy, Jimmer Fredette hacked, mama beef, Rondo disses old team, Chris Paul hurt, Steve Kerr woke, Ricky Rubio on trading block, KD, Jimmy Butler, Dion Lewis, Vance Joseph accused of sexual assault in 2003, Harrison can’t be suspended, Steph Curry, Bo Jackson, Bradshaw on Tomlin, Joey Porter reinstated, Mike Bennett went off on reporter, Lamar Odom, Popovich, Lebron shoe auction, Hawks GM disciplined, Oregon strength coach, Witten, Shanahan will be offered 9ers job, Ricky Proehl, Scottish soccer players guilty of rape, Rob Ryan gets an interview, Richard Jefferson on the 90’s and Magic Johnson.




  1. Amani

    Hey Rod and J Chicken Eating Rice

    Bo called it! We got the John Lewis Bowl! Congrats to DPalm and FalconsDiva though. Forcing me to root for an Atlanta sports team for the first time ever, but it’s them or the Trumpettes so Rise Up! I’m just mad the Falcons didn’t bring Aaron Rodgers’ family on the sideline like they did Ciara’s exes last week. Now THAT would have been some petty I can get behind.

    I swear the Patriots go out and find these small, white receivers because they know people aren’t gonna D up on them because of racism. It’s like bringing in a lanky white dude with handles to the Y. Everybody’s first instinct is to play for the shooter, they’ll get by you on instinct. Make America Great Again Tom is a devious motherfucker. I just hope they start asking him as many questions about his boy as they did Kap this year. When Johnny Football is giving your president social media advice you know you’re fucking up.

    And Point to Rod’s Anthony Davis isn’t that good agenda, New Orleans has been trash all year but AD is out and all of a sudden they score 125 and beat the Cavs? I’m just saying…

    • Amani

      Sorry, that’s Chrisette Morrow and Black King Justin now. Never seen Brown Sugar??

  2. FalconsDiva

    Hi Rod and Justin!

    I’m in such a good mood, I don’t even have a nickname for Justin this week.

    I really enjoyed my first live BDS last week!! The chat room is awesome!!!

    A little history – The season the Falcons went to the Super Bowl was my first year in Atlanta. I wasn’t yet a Falcons fan but was following all the Super Bowl hype. When Eugene Robinson was awarded the Bart Starr award all I heard locally was that he was such a man of Christ. When he got arrested, I thought – this team is such a joke! You may wonder why I became a fan of the team. Well I bought my first home in Atlanta and decided to embrace all things Atlanta and a few years after, I got season tickets to the Falcons. For 15 years, I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster with this team and this is the first year where my rollercoaster has pretty much gone for the majority of the season. So yeah, we’re winning the big game. Nothing could be finer than to beat the New England Trump-lovers in the Super Bowl! Speaking of – it amazes me how folks think it’s cute that Putin ganked Kraft for his Super Bowl ring. And to think – Trump hangs out with that gangsta….

    Not to go political but, as I said last week – THE FALCONS ARE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!!!

    TBGWT fam – if any of you have a connect for SB tickets (wishful thinking, I know), let a sistah know because I’m already booked to be in Houston representing my team.

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